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We're excited to welcome you to San Diego for our 2022 District Eleven Conference! Below, you will find resources and information about Conference.

Reserve your room today! You can go to our reservation website or call the hotel at (855) 463-3361. If you call, let them know you're attending the Altrusa International District Eleven Conference so you can get your special discount. Your card will not be charged until you check into the hotel. Come early or stay late to enjoy all that San Diego has to offer. Make sure you reserve your room by March 28!

We will be doing a 3K at this year's Conference to raise money for Altrusa International Foundation. Register when you sign up for Conference. Make your gift online or download the form to make your pledge today.

We have lots of room for advertising in our event program! Send in your ad online or download the form and submit it by April 1.

We will be holding a special memorial service for our members who have passed away in the last year. If you would like to honor one of your club members at Conference, submit our online form with a photo by April 1.

Interested in being a Conference Sponsor? Download the form and submit it by April 1.

This is a Conference you don't want to miss! Register online or download the form and submit it by April 1.

Is registration too much for your budget? Apply for the Judy Tharp Award to have your registration fully paid for. Download the form and submit it by April 1.

Want to make some money for your Club? Sell some items at Marketplace! Buy your table online or download the form and submit it by April 1.

Conference is an opportunity for us to raise money for the Altrusa International Foundation. We will be holding a silent auction. If you would like to donate, complete the form online or download the form and submit it by April 1.

Want to learn more about being a Conference Sponsor? Download our sponsorship package. Availability of sponsorship opportunities will be updated regularly.

Creating Waves of Change

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Altrusa International of Chula Vista, Inc. is dedicated to improving the South Bay community by providing service and financial support, developing leadership, fostering education, and encouraging fellowship through an international network of volunteers.

Altrusa Club of Chula Vista, Inc.

Foundation is a 501(c)(3).

Tax ID: 33-0463922

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Leading to a better community.

Founded April 11, 1917

Nashville, TN

P.O. Box 6225

Chula Vista, CA, 91909

Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM; location varies please


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